Season 2022-2023

The 2022-2023 season welcomed 45,669 visitors (including 43,194 outside the walls), 6 exhibitions (including 2 outside the walls), 12 events, 14 works produced, co-produced, reproduced, 5 residences (1 man, 4 women), 38 artists supported (including 19 women and 19 men)

Exhibitions at La Criée


Line Simon

Family workshop - La Petite Fabrique

April 26, 2023
14:30 16:00

Jennifer Aujame

Crosspiece visit Meditation visit

December 7, 2022
19:00 20:00


Ines Dobelle

Territoires EXTRA#6 - The Final Cut

January 23
June 18, 2023

Research projects

Study day

Histoire et actualité des artist-run spaces en contexte breton (History and current status of artist-run spaces in Brittany)

December 8, 2022

Mediation projects


Produced works