Sophie Kaplan
Director of La Criée centre d'art contemporain
Jean Philippe Antoine, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Téo Betin, Caroline Cieslik, Matthieu Gounelle, Catherine Guesde, Aliocha Imhoff, Sophie Kaplan, George Kubler, Léa Muller, Kantuta Quirós, Evariste Richer, Gilles A. Tiberghien, Kuba Szreder, Euridice Zaituna Kala, Eugénie Zély
Rights reserved: Caroline Cieslik, Naviguer en oiseau, 2023, silver print
As the succession of crises seems to accelerate more and more — ecological, but also postcolonial, societal, representational, etc. — for many, it is no longer possible to remain passive in the face of the coming collapse. It is no longer possible to simply observe, note, and tremble. The acceleration of crises goes hand in hand with an acceleration of societal and individual rhythms, to which one must continuously submit and adjust. In this context, many artists, actors and actresses, thinkers of the art world are reflecting on forms of adaptation, alternatives, and resistance. La Criée contemporary art center accompanies this movement through the artistic cycle Festina Lente (Make haste slowly), which unfolds into exhibitions, events, and residencies, as well as in the pages of this revue.
Because our era indeed calls for new ways of thinking about and making art.
And to ask ourselves:
How should art address climate change that directly affects its conditions of appearance and diffusion?
What sustainable circulations and constructions, in relationship with and listening to the regeneration and the long term that grounds the living, can be invented, beating in harmony with all human societies and living beings? What neighborhoods? What alliances?
How and what to create in a damaged world with uncertain futures? Can the art's power to act help rethink and transform the world?
The artists, thinkers, writers, who blend their voices in this first review, were invited to express what the oxymoron Festina Lente / make haste slowly resonated within them. Their responses take the form of portfolios (Cieslik, Muller), short essays (Bailly, Szreder, Guesde, Kubler, Imhof and Quiros), and brief stories (Zely, Gounelle, Betin and Kala), which, starting from personal experiences or collective observations, share the same observation: attention is central, it establishes the quality of our experience of the world around us; however, it is currently being mistreated.
Rights reserved: Photos taken by Noé Péan
The graphic project
The formating of this review is a nod to Alde Manuce's work, a humanist italian printer from the XVth centuary, creator of the first italic font, he was signing his books with the adage Festina Lente in a daulphin's shape (Festina) rolling up an anchor (Lente).
Thus, in this editorial object, a typographic revival of a 15th-century typeface, text endings with decorative tailpieces and the use of asterisks in title compositions are all graphic reinterpretations of his work. The adage also resonates in the multiple rhythms that run through the journal. From article to article, the alternation of different text bodies creates an ever-renewed reading cadence, changing from front to back, inviting readers to "make haste slowly" as they move through the pages.
Director of La Criée centre d'art contemporain
Artiste, forestière et paysagiste.
Curatrice, théoricienne de l'art, cinéaste et enseignante
Philosophe, historien de l'art et écrivain
Artiste et enseignante
Philosophe, professeur d'esthétique et critique d'art
Ecrivain, poète et dramaturge
Photographe et vidéaste
Critique musicale, musicienne, docteure en philosophie
Chercheur, maitre de conférence et commissaire indépendant
Artiste et autrice
La Criée contemporary art center
Les presses du réel ( (external link))
Alias Sandi
82 pages
black & white inside pages
colour covers
format : 33 × 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-90-6890-37-4
15 €