Gabrielle Manglou
Gabrielle Manglou
Rights reserved: Photo : Noé Péan
In Gabrielle Manglou's work, the fold is a recurring gesture that questions the intertwined and necessary duality of opening and closing. The fold announces both expansion and retraction. It is in itself the boundary, the ridge, the interstice, the secret, a space-time within which grazing and distance, revelation and forgetting intermingle.
Paralune is inspired by the residency Les Merveilles [The Wonders], conducted at Jean Moulin elementary school in Rennes between January and April 2024, where it was proposed to consider otherness – as a quality of what is other, in humans and non-humans (plant, animal, mineral, cosmic world) – "as a communion, a reflecting surface that would lead us to consider ecology not only as a science or political formula, but as an internal prose of the world, an incessant dialogue, an inseparability of all things and all beings, a necessary conviviality with and through the living."
La Criée centre d'art contemporain
This box contains two single-layer white screen prints on Ultra Black 680g and 185g paper, created in collaboration with Atelier La Presse Purée, Rennes.
This multiple is published in an edition of 100 copies as part of the Festina Lente (Make Haste Slowly) cycle.
10 €