Acts of the Study Day – December 8, 2022

Villejean-Université Rennes 2's Campus

Brittany is a region where the strength of community organizations is well established. Across the territory, citizens create their own tools and engage in social, solidarity-based, and transdisciplinary initiatives.

Artists and art professionals are naturally part of this dynamic. Over the past twenty years—and even more intensely in recent years—numerous artist-led initiatives have emerged. In today’s context of increasing fragility, but also of reevaluating natural, social, and cultural ecosystems, we found it essential to explore both the history and present reality of these movements.

The study day "History and Current Realities of Artist-Run Spaces in the Breton Context" took place as part of and thanks to Territoires EXTRA, a research, creation, and transmission residency program led by the art centers La Criée in Rennes and Passerelle in Brest. Since its inception in 2017, Territoires EXTRA has been initiated and supported by the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) Brittany – Ministry of Culture.

The program aims to support artistic emergence in Brittany through production and diffusion, develop artistic projects in dialogue with local stakeholders, and integrate emerging art into an international dynamic. For the sixth edition in 2022, the art centers chose to collaborate with artist-run spaces—an essential part of the art ecosystem—and to involve both art schools and universities in a dedicated moment of reflection.

The study day, held at Rennes 2 University on December 8, 2022, and the proceedings that stem from it, are the result of in-depth, long-term, and fruitful exchanges between various contemporary art professionals, reflecting the vibrancy of the Breton artistic network.

This event was co-constructed by two art centers—La Criée in Rennes and Passerelle in Brest—an art school—École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne (EESAB)—and a university—Rennes 2 University, — EA Pratiques et théories de l’art contemporain (PTAC)—alongside, of course, the participating artist-run spaces.

A heartfelt thank you to all the contributors for their dedication and engagement.

Sophie Kaplan and Loïc Le Gall

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La Criée centre d'art contemporain


Study Day Co-Organized by:
La Criée Contemporary Art Center (Rennes)
Passerelle Contemporary Art Center (Brest)
École Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne – Art & Design
Rennes 2 University – Pratiques et Théories de l’Art Contemporain (PTAC)


Alias Sandi

technical characteristics

Printed at Imprimerie de Rennes Métropole
Certified Imprim’Vert
Format: 18 × 25.5 cm
40 pages

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