Multiple - Survivance ordinaire (Ordinary survival)

Thomas Gaugain

Here's the English translation:

"When light grazes the silk ribbons, it projects a small evanescent aura on the paper, just as it holds a shadow.

This multiple is the image of a teenage memory, an object recharged with a new and fabricated identity, but where an archaeological specter persists, which we collect.

The image at the center of this t-shirt is owed to John Romilly Allen, who depicted a Celtic monolith in his book Celtic Art in Pagan and Christian Times."

Thomas Gaugain


La Criée center d'art contemporain, Rennes
As part of the program of reinforced support for the young local scene during the Covid-19 crisis.


As part of the “Contre vents et marées” program, with support from la Région Bretagne and in collaboration with a.c.b - art contemporain en Bretagne.

technical characteristics

print on paper, 2 silk ribbons, 46 nails,
in cardboard box, 12 × 12 × 3.5 cm
100 numbered and signed copies


5 €

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