Trainings and Higher Education

Preparing Your Visit

Professors or students are invited to contact the head of public services to define visit content or thematic interventions according to the disciplines involved.

Specific resources can be shared within educational partnerships: graphic documents on La Criée's visual identity, its architecture, bibliography on thematic cycles, archive documents, etc.


Guided Visit

The visit generally includes a presentation of the art center, its artistic cycle, current exhibition, exhibited artist's approach, and works. It is designed as a privileged time for exchanges with students, defined by course themes: art history, cultural mediation, social sciences, design, etc., mobilizing the art center's resources.

Guided visits are scheduled Tuesday to Friday, between 9:30 AM and 7:00 PM.
Free, by request and reservation.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours

Self-Guided Visit

Teachers can come with their students independently and conduct the visit using educational resources (freely accessible on the website) and the visit booklet (available at La Criée). Drawing workshops can take place in the exhibition, subjected to space constraints that can vary depending on the exhibition.

Self-guided visits are accessible by request and reservation only:
Tuesday to Saturday, from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour

Educational Partnerships

As a privileged partner of universities and schools of art, applied arts, and design, La Criée offers through convention:

-- Meetings with artists and art professionals
-- Tutored projects or applied research
-- Exhibition visit paths
-- Workshops with invited artists at La Criée
-- Specific collaborations on residence, exhibition, and publication projects
-- Resource sharing (editions, artist books, archive files, activity reports, etc.) and access to "Les Correspondants" digital space on the website to exchange and showcase student productions
-- Contributions to study days, seminars, or conferences linked to the art center's artistic programming
-- Student internships (mediation, technical management, publishing, research)

La Criée's mediation team also occasionally participates in tutorials specifically focused on cultural mediation and territorial project development.

Educational partnership requests are studied one year in advance regarding artistic programming and research issues.


La Criée's mediation team is part of several steering committees within local, regional, and national networks and actively contributes collegially to resource production, study days, and training:

-- For teachers, in partnership with the Regional Academic Directorate for Artistic and Cultural Education (DRAEAC) and within the Artistic and Cultural Education Resource Center (PREAC) of the Contemporary Art Network in Brittany (a.c.b)
-- For social field professionals, via the Rennes and departmental Passeurs de Culture program, coordinated by Electroni[k]
-- For animation and early childhood professionals, via L'enfance de l'art led by la Ville de Rennes and AGECIF
-- For contemporary art mediation professionals, via national networks BLA! and DCA art centers
-- For young people in integration, in partnership with professional training centers and We Ker
-- For French language learners, in partnership with sociolinguistic training centers