The Living Workshop (L’Atelier Vivant)

École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne

September 1, 2023
June 30, 2024

In partnership with La Criée and echoing the Festina Lente cycle, the Atelier Vivant at the École européenne supérieure d'art de Bretagne (EESAB) is continuing its exploration of the transformations …

Simon Lepuissant

Family visit and workshop - Magic Day

July 21, 2023


La Criée and édulab Pasteur invite you to share a Magic Day!

Art is Magic

Jeremy Deller

June 10
September 17, 2023

Art is Magic is the first French retrospective of the celebrated English artist Jeremy Deller (born in London in 1966), winner of the prestigious 2004 Turner Prize and Britain’s representative at the …

Line Simon

Family workshop - La Petite Fabrique

April 26, 2023


Les décorations de noël déplacées par Judith Kakon dans l’espace d’exposition propose un répertoire de formes qui « convoquent la culture visuelle de chacun·e et peut donner lieu à diverses …

Carole Lepan et Annaïg Le Naou

Lueurs de lune - Told and signed visit in LSF

April 16, 2023


Carole Lepan et Annaïg Le Naou réinterprètent l’exposition GRAND AIR de Judith Kakon, en contes et langue des signes française avec le spectacle Lueurs de lune.

Santiago Quintans et Floy Krouchi

Green flash concerts- Festival Autres Mesures

February 5, 2023


Santiago Quintans," Guitar Counterpoint, Steve Reich and beyond" Floy Krouchi, "FKBASS solo"

Grand Air

Judith Kakon

February 4
May 14, 2023

La Criée centre d’art contemporain, in partnership with the Centre culturel suisse. On Tour, is presenting Swiss artist Judith Kakon’s first solo exhibition in France.

Thomas Gaugain

Rennes Babylone

December 17
December 18, 2022

In residence in July 2022 at the women's prison in Rennes, Thomas Gaugain shared his knowledge and skills with the inmates, creating textile and embroidered objects. The exhibition at the Hôtel …

Study day

History and current status of artist-run spaces in Brittany

December 8, 2022

The dual circumstances of Brittany's growing attractiveness and the questioning of Paris as an obligatory artistic passage have led to the recent creation of numerous self-managed artist spaces and …

Jennifer Aujame

Crosspiece visit Meditation visit

December 7, 2022


Through a guided meditation, Yogîni artist and director Jennifer Aujame shares her reading of the works of artist Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, between dream and consciousness.

Charbel Haber

Green flash concert

November 15, 2022


One day in the future, will take place the last art exhibition. Charbel-Joseph H. Boutros invites the musician Charbel Haber to compose a tribute concert for this last exhibition to come.

Isabelle Arthuis

Residency and workshop - Fantaisies

September 1, 2022
June 30, 2023

Invited to take part in the public commission for metro line B (Gros Chêne station), Isabelle Arthuis plans to create a series of posters in the public space and an exhibition to inaugurate the new …

Le Banquet Céleste

Concert - Echos

August 17, 2022


Le Banquet Céleste is an ensemble in residence at the Opéra de Rennes. Lucile Boulanger, Andréas Linos and Thomas Pierrefe perform a viol trio.

Katia Kameli

Concert - L'envol

June 29, 2022


Amateurs and professionals activate the musical ceramics of Katia Kameli on a composition by Aurélie Sfez.

Katia Kameli et Djamel Kerkar


June 14, 2022


Katia Kameli invites Djamel Kerkar for a discussion about their collaborations. They have worked together on several occasions and on the video « Ya Rayi », a work in the Frac Bretagne collection.

Carole Lepan et Annaïg Le Naou

Storytelling and signed visit in LSF - La Conférence des oiseaux

June 12, 2022


Visite contée et signée en LSF Carole Lepan et Annaïg Le Naou propose La Conférence des oiseaux, une visite contée qui traverse, réinvente et traduit en LSF, langue des signes français, l’exposition …

Johanna Rocard

Batailles nocturnes - Creative Residency

May 1, 2022
January 30, 2023

La Criée centre d’art contemporain supports Johanna Rocard in a first research period in Rennes composed of a workshop with four dancers.

Katia Kameli

Artistic and cultural education - Des histoires partagées

May 1
June 30, 2022

On the occasion of the Katia Kameli exhibition in La Criée and in partneship with le Frac Bretagne and the DAAC, Secondary and high school classes are invited to participate at the Shared Stories …

Thomas Gaugain

Residency - Rennes Babylone

May 1
July 31, 2022

At the occasion of its artistic cycle Lili, la rozell et le marimba, La Criée invites the artist Thomas Gaugain for the production of a multiple and then for a creative residency project around the …

Line Simon

Family’s workshop in LSF - La Petite Fabrique

April 3, 2022


La Petite Fabrique is a creative workshop for the whole family in the Lili, la rozell et le marimba cycle of exhibitions. Artist Line Simon offers a technique for creating images from the works.

Collectif Uklukk

L'eau d'ici

March 1, 2022


L’eau d’ici is a literary and a choregraphic performance.

Association Bulles de français

Cultural actions During the exhibitions

February 22
March 19, 2022

Initiated by the association Bulles de français, in partnership with La Criée center of contemporary art the édulab and the Pasteur hotel, During the exhibitions is an approach to learning French by …

Max Robenson Vilaire Dortilus


February 1
March 30, 2022

Max Robenson Vilaire Dortilus is an artistic mediator, researcher and Haitian legal gardian. He is in research-action residency in La Criée centre d’art contemporain.