Conference - Time, utopias and transitions #2, Towards sobriety

Baptiste Mylondo

March 14, 2024

Eventsoutside the walls

Tomorrow will be different, or it won't be. In the face of the ecological, economic and social crises we are experiencing, a thorough overhaul of our social models has become unavoidable.


While sobriety is emerging as one of the answers to the challenges of transition, its implementation raises a number of questions. What if time were an ally? What if we were to consider that sobriety requires a reduction in work, the great organiser of the times of our lives? The economist and political philosopher Baptiste Mylondo questions the value of time in order to think about other possible models of society that are sustainable, equitable and inclusive. Following on from his last lecture on time with Hadrien Klent (Paresse pour tous), Baptiste Mylondo will be sharing his thoughts and ideas for action.

The talk will be preceded by a screening of Thomas Tudoux's film « La vie pro en moins » (2019).

An event organised by the Bureau des temps de Rennes and La Criée centre d'art contemporain.

** Video produced as part of the research/action project "Professionnelles de la vie quotidienne" in partnership with La Criée centre d'art contemporain and the Lycée professionnel Jeanne d'Arc, Rennes, with the support of Karta / Région Bretagne and the association of ESF and DECESF students, 2019

Practical informations

Auditorium des Champs Libres, Free admission

Press contact: Chloé Jamin-Legeay,

-- About Baptiste Mylondo

An advocate of degrowth and unconditional income, Baptiste Mylondo is an essayist and lecturer in economics and political philosophy at Sciences Po-Lyon. He is the author of Un revenu pour tous! (Utopia, 2010) and has edited two collective works on degrowth, including La Décroissance économique (Croquant, 2009).

-- Penser les temps with Le Bureau des temps

Lifestyles are changing, times are speeding up, multiplying, blending together and sometimes becoming entangled...

Who decides on the timetable? Can we avoid traffic jams? How can we limit time-related inequalities? What will our time be like tomorrow if nothing is done today, as the pace of life accelerates and urban populations grow?

It's high time we tackled these issues head-on, in the face of new social and environmental challenges.

In Rennes, the Bureau des Temps (Time Office) has been taking concrete, cross-disciplinary action for 20 years, going beyond the individual approach to reorganise time on a regional scale. In particular, it invites leading specialists to combine their fields of expertise with the temporal angle as part of the "Conférences du temps".

Connections with the event


Anne-Charlotte Finel

February 3
April 28, 2024