Territoires EXTRA#8 - The intertidal zone

Théophile Peris

July 1
September 15, 2024

This summer, La Criée centre d'art contemporain joins forces with the Marylène cultural café to welcome visual artist Théophile Peris for a research and creative residency to mark the eighth edition of Territoires EXTRA.


During my two-month residency at Café Marylène, I continued my research into the intertidal zone, otherwise known as the foreshore.
Between high and low tide, I observed the different biotopes and confronted these forms with materials found on site: clay from the forest, granite rubble from old houses, copper sheeting and sheep's wool collected during a shearing. I've created a series of sculptures ranging from a small clay worm, to a granite goby head gargoyle, to a large copper spider crab shell that doubles as a soup tureen. The feeling I'm trying to convey through this diversity of materials and forms is the same as when you lift a stone at low tide and discover another world populated by a wide variety of strange creatures, between seaweed and sand.
At the end of the residency, I'll be sampling a soup made from shellfish and fish caught during the summer.
My graphic research will culminate in the production of a large felt pen with marine motifs for my next exhibition at the Galerie Raymond Hains at the École des Beaux-Arts in Saint-Brieuc.

Théophile Peris' residency takes place as part of Territoires EXTRA #8.

Initiated in 2017 by the Passerelle art center in Brest and La Criée art center in Rennes, and supported by DRAC Bretagne, Territoires EXTRA focuses on three areas: supporting emerging artists in Brittany through production and distribution; building an artistic project in touch with local players in Brittany; and including emerging artists in an international dynamic. Territoires EXTRA takes the form of artists' residencies for research and/or creation, and is accompanied by specific mediation work to strengthen the links between audiences, local partners, institutions and the artistic project, with a view to transmitting and raising awareness of the presence of artists in local areas.

Photography of the residency

Connections with the residency