Sombres réalités

Anne-Charlotte Finel

March 18
April 18, 2024

Exhibitions outside the walls

« Sombres réalités » is an exhibition of videos by Anne-Charlotte Finel, presented at the Lycée Professionnel Alphonse Pellé, in partnership with La Criée centre d'art contemporain. The exhibition is part of an educational project run by students in their 2nd Bac Pro Coiffure year, and echoes "Respiro", the artist's exhibition at La Criée.


The students chose the title Sombres réalités to present the three works by Anne-Charlotte Finel: Entre chien et loup, Gerridae and Hors-sol : « Filmed without artifice, at dusk, dawn or night, these videos disturb our perceptions and question our representations of spaces (wild, urbanised or industrial) and living things (animal, plant or human). Our realities are placed on the edge of fiction and artificiality. »

The exhibition is part of an arts education programme that includes an in-class presentation of the artist, La Criée and the exhibition, research and writing by the pupils, and a cultural trip to Rennes to visit the Respiro exhibition.

Practical informations

Visits on request and by appointment for people from outside the school, from Rachel GUITTON, teacher librarian at the Lycée Professionnel Alphonse Pellé - Dol de Bretagne (35) and teacher Relais DRAEAC - Musée des Beaux-Arts & La Criée, centre d'art - Rennes (35):

With the support of Pass Culture

Connections with the exhibition


Anne-Charlotte Finel

February 3
April 28, 2024