Gabrielle Manglou
Rights reserved: Gabrielle Manglou, « Souvenances Boudou », silver photogram digital colouring, 2018-2023
For her residency project at the Jean Moulin school, Gabrielle Manglou has come up with « Les Merveilles », a residency comprising several creative stages focusing on a sensitive approach to the environment. For the artist, who hails from Reunion Island and lives in Brittany, the perception and understanding of nature differs from one culture to another, and can be apprehended through the body.
Gabrielle Manglou's work is poetic and multiform. Drawings, photographs, volumes and archive images play with shifting boundaries. Her work questions the sphere of human relationships, where power, nature, culture and otherness are measured.
With the Les Merveilles school residency, she proposes to consider otherness - as the quality of what is other, in humans and non-humans (plant, animal, mineral, cosmic world) - "as a communion, a reflecting surface that would lead us to consider ecology not just as a science or a political formula, but as an internal prose of the world, an incessant dialogue, an inseparability of all things and beings, a necessary conviviality with and through the living".
What the artist wants to highlight in Les Merveilles is "an awareness of reciprocity as a sensitive phenomenon in understanding the world". She will take as her starting point the different cultural perceptions that the pupils have of their environment, whether near or far, to develop a shared creation based on her own way of apprehending the environment, i.e. through detail, as well as on surveys, collections and other finds.
Workshop opening
-- Thursday 25 January, 4.15pm
-- at Jean Moulin primary schools
Gabrielle Manglou
May 21
May 28, 2024
Echoing the results of the residency she has been running with four classes of CP-CE1 pupils at Jean Moulin primary schools since January, Gabrielle Manglou will also be presenting the pupils' …
Gabrielle Manglou
May 16, 2024
Since January 2024, Gabrielle Manglou has been in residence at Jean Moulin primary schools, where she is running the « Les Merveilles » project with four classes of CP-CE1 pupils. The project is part …