The Living Workshop (L’Atelier Vivant)

École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne

September 1, 2023
June 30, 2024

Research projects

In partnership with La Criée and echoing the Festina Lente cycle, the Atelier Vivant at the École européenne supérieure d'art de Bretagne (EESAB) is continuing its exploration of the transformations in our relationship with living things, under the banner of slowness.


The Living Workshop is a visual arts workshop exploring transformations in our relationship with the living world. Created in 2019, it is coordinated by teacher-researchers and/or artists Raphaëlle Jeune, Caroline Cieslik, and Karine Lebrun.

We suffer from a cognitive dissonance between our lives governed by technological and social acceleration, and the need to take time to connect with the world, others, and living things. For its fourth year, the Living Workshop chooses to slow down, to experience moments of suspension and attention, observation and decentering, in tune with life that slowly mutates and reproduces. We will choose border zones, between built and natural environments, but also and especially the forest environment, that of trees, silence or birdsong, seasons, hibernation, and refuge. (Raphaële Jeune, Caroline Cieslik, and Karine Lebrun)

Several events will be organized in partnership with La Criée, including:
-- In autumn 2023, meetings with forest landscape artist Léa Muller in her forest in Bourg-des-Comptes, to create slow perception protocols and experience its regeneration.
-- On March 28 and 29, 2024, two study days featuring practical workshops and conferences, which will also involve students from Agrocampus Rennes and ESAD Valence.

Connections with the project