Conference - Time, utopias and transitions #1, It's time to write tomorrow! (Il est temps d'écrire demain ! )

Hadrien Klent

December 14, 2023

18:30 20:00

Eventsoutside the walls

Tomorrow will be different, or it won't be. We know that we need to move towards greater sobriety to meet the challenges of the ecological, economic and social transitions we are facing.


Nevertheless, the subject is vast, complex, and the urgency paradoxically hinders action. What if the key was time? Time to think, time to imagine, time to change. What if we dared to go further and consider that frugality involves reducing work, the great organizer of our lives' timetables?

At a time when debates about the four-day workweek are ongoing, Hadrien Klent envisions a three-hour workday. His premise is that working less and reorganizing our life schedules will enable us to live better, both individually and collectively. Building on the success of his realistic utopia in Paresse pour tous (2021) and La vie est à nous (2023), Hadrien Klent will share insights and actionable ideas.

The discussion will be moderated by Iris Bouchonnet, an elected official of the City of Rennes, deputy delegate for Youth, Student Life, and Time Policy.

It will be followed by a second part in the spring of 2024 on the same theme.

Practical informations

Auditorium des Champs Libres, Free admission
Press contact: Chloé Jamin-Legeay,

-- About Hadrien Klent

In 2016, he published La Grande Panne, described as "a critique of current society." In 2021, he released his novel Paresse pour tous, which depicts the political rise of a candidate advocating for a 15-hour workweek. This book won the Prix Solidarité Harmonie mutuelle.

Regarding this novel, Quentin Girard wrote in Libération: "Are you tired of debates about insecurity? About the veil? About Snow White? About Napoleon? About CNews? Are you disheartened that the left is divided over secularism? Over inclusive writing? Over non-mixed meetings? Do you think this distracts us from real economic and climate issues? Then, Paresse pour tous is for you."

The sequel to Paresse pour tous, La Vie est à nous, was released in May 2023 by Le Tripode.

-- Thinking about time with Le Bureau des temps

Lifestyles are changing, time is accelerating, multiplying, blending, and sometimes getting tangled...
Who decides the schedules? Can we avoid traffic jams? How can we limit inequalities related to time? What will our time look like tomorrow if nothing is done today, with the acceleration of life's rhythms and the increasing urban population?
It is high time to tackle these questions head-on, in the face of these new social and environmental challenges.
In Rennes, a Time Bureau has been implementing concrete and cross-cutting actions for 20 years, moving beyond individual approaches to reorganize time on a territorial scale. It invites leading specialists to combine their expertise with a temporal perspective in the framework of the "Time Conferences."

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