Taking Territoires EXTRA as its subject, a program of creative residencies and transmission that has been operating in Brittany and internationally since 2017, Emeline Jaret will examine how art at work affects territories and the people it encounters, and reciprocally, how a given terrain influences the practices of artists in residence.
This project, which will result in a publication, will unfold in two phases:
-- Between September and December 2023: A field study meeting with actors involved in various instances of Territoires EXTRA.
-- Between February and April 2024: A research seminar in action focusing on collaborative artistic practices with Master's students in visual arts.
Initiated in 2017 by the art centers Passerelle in Brest and La Criée in Rennes, and supported by DRAC Bretagne, Territoires EXTRA develops around three work axes: supporting artistic emergence in Brittany through production and distribution; building an artistic project engaged with Breton territorial actors; and establishing artistic emergence in an international dynamic. Territoires EXTRA takes the form of artist residencies for research and/or creation and includes specific mediation work to strengthen links between audiences, local partners, institutions, and artistic projects, with a focus on transmission and awareness around artists' presence in territories.