Artistic and cultural education - Échos d’expos

Line Simon, Fanny Martel, Simon Poligné

September 1, 2022
June 30, 2023

Education projects

Table of contents

La Criée invites the artists Simon Poligné, Fanny Martel and Line Simon to experiment during the year. The project is to work with groups of students from Rennes and from the department with different tools and medium of expression


Échos d’expo #3

Warning Graphic Content!

In echo to the Art is Magic exhibition by Jeremy Deller, CM2 students from Jean Rostand School and 6th-grade students from Échange Middle School are taking part in a poster-making workshop in risography with artist Line Simon. The posters are available at La Criée !

Échos d’expo #2

Come discover the fanzines on the Correspondances blog !

The 3rd-year Prépa Métiers students from L.P. Alphonse Pellé worked with Fanny Martel at the Édulab Pasteur on the design, risograph printing, and assembly of a fanzine inspired by Judith Kakon’s GRAND AIR exhibition.

Échos d’expo #1

Come listen to the podcasts created with Simon Poligné !

Imaginary stories inspired by the works in The Sun Is My Only Ally exhibition by Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, created by the students of Jules Verne School in Chevaigné, in collaboration with Simon Poligné.

La Criée invites artists Simon Poligné, Fanny Martel, and Line Simon to experiment throughout the year with different modes of expression alongside student groups from Rennes and the surrounding region. The goal is to imagine narratives around the center’s exhibitions and bring them to life through podcasts, exhibition journals, fanzines, or posters.

Starting from an exploration of La Criée, its professions, exhibitions, and the creative approaches of the featured artists, students and guest artists create visit materials intended for other students and audiences.

As part of this journey, students visit exhibitions at La Criée and participate in workshops with artists to:

-- Create podcasts about Charbel-joseph H. Boutros’s exhibition with artist Simon Poligné.
-- Produce exhibition journals and fanzines related to Judith Kakon’s exhibition with graphic designer Fanny Martel.
-- Design posters for Jeremy Deller’s exhibition with artist Line Simon.

These audio and visual creations will be available from November 2022, then in April and June 2023, on La Criée’s website and/or in the exhibition space, offering alternative readings and interpretations of the exhibitions.

Connections with the event