Max Robenson Vilaire Dortilus


February 1
March 30, 2022


Max Robenson Vilaire Dortilus is an artistic mediator, researcher and Haitian legal gardian. He is in research-action residency in La Criée centre d’art contemporain.


His residency in Rennes is an opportunity to meet artists and professionals from different cultural venues, to discover their work and share knowledge and expertise in the field of cultural mediation, in the Rennes' and Brittany's territory. Max Robenson Vilaire Dortilus also participates in cultural activities and creates visitor support tools with various partner groups of La Criée, including schools and adult non-native speakers.

In parallel, he continues his research on the interweaving of original and host cultures at work in contemporary creation, using the example of Haitian artists living and working in France. This research will result in an article addressing the impact of travel on the journey of artists, artworks, and practices, from the perspective of the anthropology of space. An evening of discussions about his research, with invited artists, is scheduled for March 22, 2022, starting at 6:30 PM at La Criée.

This research project will then continue in Montreal (Quebec), where he will conduct cross-disciplinary curatorial research combining art criticism, exhibition of works by Haitian artists, and the development of a digital platform for cultural exchange. Max Robenson Vilaire Dortilus will be in residence from April 1 to May 31, 2022, at Fonderie Darling as part of the Americas Residency program.


Ministry of Culture, Subdirectorate of European and International Affairs, as part of the Culture Residency program Fonderie Darling (Montreal-Quebec-Canada), as part of a curator residency in the Americas Residency program

Connections with the residency