The revues' form is polyphonic: orchestrated by editorial committees, crafted with graphic designers and printers, and developed through discussions with authors and artists, they are often defended against precarious financial situations. Each issue weaves a thread, builds a rhizomatic network, and forms temporary communities of thought that share the movement of plural reflections. With their fragmented, unfinished, fundamentally incomplete, and imperfect forms, they resist the constraint of a unifying and synthesizing thought.
Polyphonic by nature, journals appear in constellations: an article is rarely closed in on itself, often referring to another; an image calls for another. However, this ongoing thought regularly takes shape—a new issue can be understood as a milestone. A tangible object, complete in itself, even if it remains part of an ongoing process—the next revue already in progress.
As the third revue of sika and the fourth revue of Lili, la rozell et le marimba are being prepared, members of both editorial committees — connected through numerous ongoing editorial conversations — gather for a launch event. The evening will revolve around languages: their multiplicity and interweaving, their codification and classification, their subversive uses, and their overflows.