“Matter, materials, the immaterial: dematerialisation is the common theme in La couleur crue. Here, the matter of colour takes form in a variety of media, such as painting, sculpture, objects, text, sound, installations, but also in video and in material and personified works, whether immaterial or conceptual, immersive or head-on”, explain the three organisers of the exhibition: Jean-Roch Bouiller, director of the Musée des Beaux-arts, Sophie Kaplan, director of La Criée centre for contemporary art and Anne Langlois, artistic director and head of exhibitions at 40mcube. Together, these three Rennes-based associations created La couleur crue through an approach that is sensitive to the matter of the works and the experience of visitors looking at them.
Exhibition hors les murs
La Couleur crue
June 2
August 29, 2021
Rights reserved: Katharina Grosse, Ingres Wood, 2018 ((détail))
© Courtesy of the artist and Gagosian © Adagp, Paris 2021 / Courtesy Gagosian, Photo : Zarko Vijatovic